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Allied Cleanrooms
Phone: 1 (800) 962-3058

California - CSLB #730592B
GSA Contract # 47QSWA19D0062


Allied Cleanrooms is the premier USA cleanroom company that specializes in cleanroom design and construction, adhering to strict cleanroom design standards such as ISO 5 and ISO 7. Our expert team offers comprehensive cleanroom solutions for various industries, including pharmaceutical cleanroom environments that comply with...

Allied Modular has been at the forefront of modular construction for over 30 years, providing innovative solutions to businesses across various industries. Their expertise lies in creating modular buildings that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective. Advantages of Allied Modular's...

In today's increasingly regulated industries, maintaining a controlled and sterile environment is crucial. Cleanrooms play a pivotal role in industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare, electronics, and manufacturing, where maintaining precise environmental conditions is essential. Allied Cleanrooms has emerged as a leading provider of modular...

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